[RE]LEARN: The Learning Innovation Festival
9-20th November 2020
Terms for Speakers
These specific terms apply to your participation in the [RE]LEARN 2020 online festival as speaker (“you”), in addition to (and prevailing over) the application of our general Terms & Conditions for [RE]LEARN 2020 for all participants (see under Terms & Conditions at the bottom of the [RE]LEARN 2020 registration page)
- You expressly authorise Learnlife to make and use any or all of the image and voice recordings, or part of them, of events in which you may intervene during the [RE]LEARN 2020 online festival (including by way of example: presentations, courses, mentoring, round tables, photo sessions, workshops), including all types of visual and/or sound recordings, whether at the event in real time or previously provided to LearnLife by you (“Recordings”), subject to the conditions set out here.
- This authorisation is non-exclusive, has worldwide application and is without time limit, subject to withdrawal set out here
- The use of these Recordings includes their capture, reproduction and public communication and distribution, including their use for promoting the [RE]LEARN 2020 event and community, whether on the [RE]LEARN 2020 virtual event platform, the Learnlife websites/domains, or social media sites.
- The Recordings may be in any format and medium (paper, digital, etc.) and integrated with any other material relating to [RE]LEARN 2020 and Learnlife activities (photographs, drawings, illustration, video, animations, etc.).
- Learnlife undertakes to make good use of the Recordings only within the context of [RE]LEARN 2020, and never to your detriment or prejudice to your image and reputation.
- Learnlife will consult with you prior to any other use of the Recordings and will remove any images or footage at your request.
- Learnlife will make a copy of the Recording available to you to use for any purpose other than in any manner critical or prejudicial to [RE]LEARN and Learnlife.
- Use of your name, identification or other personal data related to the Recording/s will be as provided by you. Learnlife will correct any data published about you at your request.
- As Speaker, you may request us to delete or remove the Recording at any time.
- You acknowledge that you have been informed of the purposes of the processing of personal data by Learnlife involved in the Recordings, and consent to this processing for the purposes indicated in this Agreement. For more information of your privacy rights, please see our privacy policy. For any other processing, Learnlife must obtain the explicit consent of the Speaker.
- All of the above is subject to the exceptions and limitations regarding uses that may violate your rights to honour, privacy and self-image, in the terms set out in Spanish Organic Law 1/1985, of 5 of May, on civil protection of the right to honour, to personal and family privacy and to one's own image.